Unlock Your Potential

This is an invitation to unlock your potential.  

Every one of us has a potential that is within us.  It is unique to us and it resides inside.  
We have an opportunity to step up as a leader, the leader of our lives.  The answers do not exist outside of us, they are all within.  Each one of us holds special talents and gifts, and it is our option to discover them and honor them.  

Who are you and what gifts reside within?  

To begin on this journey, it is important to start trusting yourself and your power.  The truth is, only you hold the key to your greatest potential.  Can people see it and recognize it in you, yes, but you cannot rely on that.  I believe it is your belief, faith and courage that can open you up to so much more in your life.  

The following steps can help you along in this journey, this beautiful journey in discovering your best self and your most glorious potential.  

—mindset: shift your mindset to one of opportunity, optimism, hope, light, discovery, and elevate your self and your mind to a new height. 
—discipline:  be prepared to discipline your mindset, belief and actions and make sure they are aligned with where you want to be, not the circumstances of where you are at.
—belief: in order to reach your true potential, you’ve got to have faith and you’ve got to believe.  Believe in all that is possible, believe in all that is good, and believe in the impossible which truly means “I’m possible”.  
—create: understand that your potential is not someone else’s dream, someone else’s vision—it is unique to you, own that, marinate on it, and create it, take action each day to honor this.  
—plan: once you have a clear idea on where you want to be, plan to take action, to take brave steps in that direction. 
—activity: take action daily on moving in the direction of your dreams and vision.  Activity and momentum in that direction are what will help you dispel fear, and align more with your vision as opposed to your doubts.   
—people: surround yourself with people that believe in you, support you and are like minded, remove the nay sayers from your life.   

I believe we are the co-creators of our life.  Along with a high power, it is up to us to discover our truest potential and when we honor that and are brave enough to tap into it, we will live up to our highest and greatest potential.  

Pam Guyer
Words Inspire

One Word.

One word can inspire so much thought, emotion, inspiration & clarity.  
Words are daily inspiration that can move us, calm us, excite us, and empower us.

I love words and depend upon them daily for inspiration.

What are your favorite words?  What inspires you to take action on the daily?  

Here are some of my favorites, not the full list, but enough to make me feel good:


What one word gets you inspired, focused, or moving in a positive direction?  
One word can inspire you, encourage you and ground you.


Pam Guyer
Passion & Life

I have been thinking a lot about passion lately and how I find myself in this space of needing to rekindle my passion and own my own voice.  I believe that our passion is connected to our purpose and we need to have clarity around this in order to truly be aligned with our purpose here on Earth.  

It can get confusing, especially for Moms.  

When I think about what I am most passionate about, my family comes first to mind.  
At the end of the day, my kids are what is most important to me, and my husband and I share in this commitment and we build our lives around it.   

I know it goes beyond family for me—and that is what helps to clarify and stretch my imagination, my hopes, dreams, fears and all of the emotions that swirl when you live a life of purpose & passion.  

I have found myself lose sight of this, slightly drowning in the muddy waters of life, life’s challenges, health, and the fear that can come along with all of these things—we all encounter this, and while difficult at times, it serves us in the process.   Perhaps you are drowning too or you have been there, and you just need to get your head above water and get to the shore.  

Any time I feel this way, I pause.  As I get older I realize that it is okay. It is part of the journey and it helps guide us in the direction we need to go, even if it is uncomfortable and not all the positive and upbeat emotions we desire to feel.   We must sit in the emotion and allow it to teach us, guide us, and heal us.  

When I began my HIPP journey over 7 years ago, I began with truly being in search of my own passion and in that process, I had to remove all the labels, titles, and boxes that existed for me.  I had to listen to my heart, I had to ask myself what did I believe my purpose to be, and in answering that I had to answer the question what exactly was I passionate about?

The answer became clear to me.  I was passionate about being a Mom, and living a lifestyle that blended that role and one of purpose & passion.  I declared my purpose was to inspire millions to live their best life and in doing so, working on my own.  

So here I am, needing to renew my passion, gain clarity around my purpose and elevate myself and condition myself to be it.  You may need to do just the same, or even perhaps give thought to this if you have not gone through the discovery process already.  

I hope this inspires you to discover your purpose and most importantly get clear on what you are passionate about.   The first step is to brainstorm a list of things you are passionate about, here is my most recent list:


—health & wellness
—positive inspiration & words
—team work/collaboration/kindness
—looking & feeling good (beauty/style/fitness)

These are the top things that are important to me and are who I am.  Write your list, your passions, your desires, your aspirations and determine based on that list, what you can do to live it, surround yourself with it, and create it.

Sometimes we are blinded by what we do, to really see who we are.  Design life, work and your purpose around who you are and who you desire to be.  It does not happen over night, but it does happen.  Empower yourself to own this, and surround yourself with a tribe of positive women that desire the same, and support you in a positive way.

Passion is a pillar in Living HIPP.  Every season we need to rediscover our own, and remind ourselves of who we are and what we are capable of.  Believe in your highest self, and know that you are created for greatness.  Begin with your passion, what is it that you love, and how can you turn this love into your purpose?  


Pam Guyer
The truth about being a Mom Boss

If you see me on social media, you see I take moments throughout the day to capture my lifestyle as a Mom Boss and living HIPP.  These posts are the authentic me and are in my heart, gratitude posts to some degree, because I am grateful to be able to be self employed, self empowered and from the time I became a Mom, I craved this flexibility.  

Being a Mom Boss has truly changed my life, I am convinced I am a better Mom, Wife, Leader and Friend.   While it is more work, it is also more empowerment to design a life that fits your story, that fits your soul.  

It is not all Instagram or FB posts of yoga, and coffee and the beach.  

I have been at this now for 15 years (one and a half decades), and I can assure you it has not been easy, and also it has not been a ton of free time and autonomy.   When my kids were babies and I started my own business, it was really hard, there were not many free moments for me time—I literally would leave dishes in the sink, peanut butter and jelly left over scraps from lunch on the counter, and run my business while the kids were napping and get up early and go to bed late to move my business forward.  For many years I had a struggle with the juggle—but with that challenge and hard work, I was able to create a business that would support my family.  After 8 years of a crazy work schedule (I literally focused on business and family)—I grabbed ownership of my life, and decided to carve out time for me, and to explore my role in the world, while taking better care of myself.  This truly allowed me to explore, learn, practice and grow.   So, my hard work upfront paid off, and because I worked consistently and hard, I was able to be rewarded down the road which was very much needed, as I knew I had more inside of me that needed to be discovered.  

Two years ago I decided to start a new business which I love, but in starting anything new (and over) that same intensity of work came back.  I threw myself in 100%, but the balance that I had created and craved went out the window (all my own doing).  As I resurface from a hard year personally, I am reframing my work/life balance, and defining what works for me in this stage of life.   Fortunately, my life is in a place where I have much more time than I have ever had, with 3 teens at home. I have more time freedoms at this stage and a different set of worries from when they were littles.  Those of you with little ones, that struggle with the juggle, don’t worry. There is light at the end of the tunnel.  You’ve got to put your time in, you’ve got to realize it is just the stage of life you are at, and before you know it, they will be teens and you will have more time for you, for your business and the time with family will become even more precious and fleeting, and you will be able to hold on to it and be present with it.

It is ironic as most of us become a Mom Boss so that we can have more time with family, or flexibility—which we get the flexibility and family time.  However, it is not all that easy and it is not without sacrifice and commitment.  I missed many games, milestones and moments over the years because I was growing my business and leading a large team.  I choose not to focus on that and to focus on all the gifts it has given me.  Today, I am beyond grateful to have a business that fuels my HIPP life and that allows me the ability to truly work my schedule as I choose.  It is not all beach moments though. The truth is we work hard, we work early morning or at night, we work over the weekend—we do what it takes to make it work.

I know my first decade as a Mom Boss was mostly hard work, sacrifice and I let a few things go, including myself.  The beauty is that this next decade does not have to be that way. As we grow, we gain more clarity around what is really important.  When our kids grow, our demands become less but our worries become more.  I am able to give myself the space to be there, as I know these moments go by in the blink of an eye.  Just like that.

If you are a Mom Boss reading this, especially those of you new to this or with little ones, give yourself time, be willing to do the hard work, while your neighbor is sleeping you are building your business, while she is out gardening, you are in your office working—I know, I was that girl, all the lights were out except the light in my office (and the one in my heart).  It is not easy and you don’t have to “do it all”.   You have your moments, the mess, we all have it.  The exhaustion, the stress, the overwhelm, the to do list, the chasing your tail, yup, let's be real, we all have those moments.  

Be grateful in the moments you get.  Be willing to work hard to put time in to build it.  
Imagine what it is you want in your life and build a business which supports just that.

What ever you do, be the Boss of you.  

Take care of you and own the pen in your story.


Pam Guyer
A Dozen things I love…. about Me!

An assignment from one of my yoga teachers.  She asked us at class to come up with one thing that we loved about ourselves.  She ended the class by bringing us back to that very same thing, but also, she asked us to later think of a DOZEN things we love about ourselves.

The first thing that came to mind was my heart, which is love and to put these two into action would be my spirit.  I shared this and asked others to chime in what they loved about themselves.

Why is it so hard for some of us to think about things that we love about ourselves?  
Have we programmed ourselves to think of what we don’t like about ourselves?  I know to be humble, low key, under the radar is important, but shouldn’t we at least be able to speak life and positive thoughts and affirmations to ourselves? 


What one thing do you love about yourself?

What came to mind?  Did it come quickly and clear?  Did you have to think a great deal.  Did you think of things that you don’t love (I know we can come up with those in a matter of seconds).  

Now I am going to ask you to take on the assignment too!
A Dozen Reasons Why….

I worked on my own list, and to inspire you to do your own, I will share mine with you.
I think this is such important work, and quite honestly, if we can’t come up with a dozen things we love about ourselves, we’ve got work to do.
Stop worrying about what others will think, stop picking apart yourself and pointing out what you don’t like or want to change.  What are 12 things you love about yourself.  The miracle that is your life?

Here is mine:  

1.  My Heart
2.  My Love for my family & friends
3.  My Spirit, I love my zest for life
4.  My Humor, I literally crack myself up.  Laughter is medicine and fun is a priority in my life .
5.  My Drive
6.  My Kindness & Generosity
7.  My Mothering.  I am not like most, but I love my kids (hugs hugs hugs) and they know it.
8.  My Imagination & Creativity
9.  My Dedication to Exercise & Yoga
10. My Work Ethic (not just work but the hard things I need to work on daily)
11. My skill set & Passion to teach, train and inspire
12. My compassion & empathy for others   

I will keep working on this list, and I will remember to think of these things when the voice inside or the monkey on my back wants to point out what I don’t like or what I desire to change.  We need to embrace all parts of ourselves, but most importantly, we need to love ourselves deeply.

Love begins with us, we cannot truly love others until we love our whole selves.  


Pam Guyer
Reach for the Stars!!!!!

As we live our HIPP Life, we must reach for the Stars.
We can get swept up in the ordinary day, which is both a gift and a deterrent.  We must not lose sight of the stars, the twinkling lights around us, the light, the reminder that everything is bright, and that there is light, even in the darkness.

We must look up.
We must have faith.
We must believe.

Reach for the Stars…
Believe in what is possible.  Believe in your best self and your ability.  Believe that you have a bigger purpose in life.  Believe that you were put on this earth to shine.  Believe that your passion is your purpose.  Believe that every obstacle is a lesson.  Believe that you can do anything that you put your mind to.  

Let your spirit soar and be open to what is possible.  Encourage the best in yourself, and encourage the best in others.  When you fly, soar.  When you fall down, get back up.  
The stars are aligned when you are on the right path.  You’ve got to create your own, you can be blinded by the light of others or you can choose to create your own light.

Light it up.  Reach.  Stretch.  Shine bright for yourself and shine bright for the world around you!  


Pam Guyer
Feed Your Soul

Our soul is our truth and the essence of who we are and what we want.
The space around us is filled with misconceptions of how we should be, what we should do, and expectations of society, not our soul.

How do you feed your soul?

Ask yourself the following questions:

1.  What do you enjoy doing?
2.  What brings you joy?
3.  What brings you peace?
4.  Without barriers, what would you do?
5.  If money were no object, exactly how would you spend your time?
6.  What do you believe (deep inside) is your purpose?

These answers will help you to uncover what is at the heart of who you are and what truly brings you joy.  We are trained to go to school (which is great), to get a job (which is great), to work really hard (which is great), and the list goes on and on....

Have you truly stopped to ask if you are making the right next decision?  I see far too many people feeling stuck in their circumstances and at various times in my life, I have felt that way too. I also have asked this powerful question…

Why? Why Not?  

Why do you think you are stuck? 

Just make the change.  Make the bold move.  Be Brave.

Nothing changes until you create change.  Why not you?  Why do you think you need to stay where you are?

As I have said before in my life when I am at these cross roads:  The only thing I know for sure or the only certain I want in my life is God, my health, my family.  The rest is up for grabs, the rest can be changed, the rest is important to me but also fluid.  Great things do not happen by staying where we are.  Great things happen when we are bold enough to make change, follow our core (our soul) and uncover the gifts that wait inside.

Feed Your Soul.  

It is hungry for more.  It is hungry for your authenticity.  It is hungry for you to be you, don’t follow the crowd, blaze your own trail!  


Pam Guyer
Project You

We go through life racing on the hamster wheel, busy as bee’s and taking care of everything and everyone, that we don’t necessarily put ourselves first or we tend to put it off for a later date.

Life is not a later date.  It is today, it is now.  

The best project you will ever work on is yourself.
Any Leadership expert or Life Coach will share that how you grow as a person will determine where you will go and what you will achieve and be.  This is not just professionally, this is based on life and all areas.  

The Business of You.

When it comes to investing in yourself, these are the key areas for you to review and evaluate (not judge) where you are at and also where you want to be:

1.  Family
2.  Faith/Spirituality
3.  Career/Work
4.  Health/Wellness/Fitness
5.  Finances
6.  Service
7.  Relationships
8.  Fun/Leisure/Hobbies

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • How is family life for me and each member?  Do we have adequate time to be a family?  Are we investing time and interest in each other?
  • Do I have faith or belief that is bigger than me?  Am I doing anything to nurture that in a positive direction?  Do I use faith and spirituality in my day to day actions & commitments?
  • Am I doing work that is meaningful and am I using the gifts/talents that I have been given?  What next step can I take to grow in my career?
  • What is the current state of my health?  What is my weekly and daily wellness routine? What can I do to be stronger and truly connect body, mind & spirit?
  • What is the state of my finances?  Is there debt, are there savings?  What are my dreams and vision and financially, am I in a situation to get there.  What needs to change to get there?   Amy I on a budget and do I have a plan?
  • Am I doing work (volunteer or service) that promotes worthy causes?  Am I making a positive difference?
  • Am I investing in my relationship (spouse or significant other)?
  • Do I surround myself with positive women and friends? 
  • What have I done lately that is fun, do I build this into my life.  What is a new hobby I would like to try?  

When we think we don’t need this, that is usually a sign that we do.  The likes of Tony Robbins, Oprah, Richard Branson & some of the top athletes & coaches in the world will say that they condition themselves, work on themselves and invest in themselves.  

What ever it is you want, you can have.  You just need to do the work on yourself along with the work that needs to happen and you will aspire to anything you desire.  

The best project you will ever work on is You!  

Pam Guyer
Embrace the Mess

As a Mom or a woman of this time, there is no way that you are not feeling the Mess in some or all areas of your life.  We hide behind the exterior of our wall of fashion, our beauty, or our kids and busy lives.  

Embrace the Mess.

The brutal truth is, we are all a hot mess.  In some or all areas of our lives.
We doubt ourselves.  We can’t keep up with our to do list.  We have mom’s guilt.
We compare. We beat ourselves up.  We think negative at times.  We hide.

Embrace the Mess.

Here is the truth, let it set you free.  Everyone is a MESS.  Yes, everyone has their thing.
Just do the best you can and be forgiving of yourself when you fall down, because you will.   We cannot do it all and also look like we are on a magazine cover, it is not real and it is not life.  We are messy.   There is magic in the mess.  

Here are some tips & techniques to Bless the Mess:

1.  Meditate, Pray or Breathe.  It calms the mind, and brings you into the present.
2.  Make Your Bed, and while you do, think of 3 things you are grateful for.  
3.  Don’t compare yourself to Perfect Penny, she has her stuff too.
4.  Do 3 things each day, prioritize 3 things that move you closer to your goals.
5.  Fresh Air & Movement, go for a walk.  
6.  Smile.  Laugh.  Enjoy the small things and moments in the day.
7.  Meet up with a friend, talk about it but in a positive, solutions oriented way.
8.  Go do Yoga.  It works, it really does.  Practice at home if you can’t go to class.
9.  Treat yourself in some way: mani, pedi, do a mask, buy fresh flowers, chocolate.
10. Rock Your Messy Bun & Life.  Own it.  Be Grateful.  Be You!  

Pam Guyer
Benefits of my Blue Collar Beginnings

I grew up in a working class family and my beginnings were humble.  Both of my parents roots are Boston Irish Catholic, modest & humble beginnings.  My Dad grew up in the projects in Southie, which was a tough Irish neighborhood outside of Boston.  His life was hard and he said his life began the day he met my Mom.  While my Mom was a petite princess and all that is grace, she also had grit and such strength as they built a beautiful yet hard life together.  

The challenges were in every area of life that you can imagine but they took it on and put family and home first.   While I spread my wings and created my future of education, a successful career and have settled in what you might call an affluent community, I am always grateful of where I came from and incredibly proud of my family.   My people are some of the best people I know. It is all about the heart, the attitude, and how you treat others (we were raised by the best). 

Growing up in a working class environment has shaped who I am and here are some unique benefits:

1. Grit

You’ve gotta have grit when it comes to life, work and play.  No matter what, I know how to dig my heels in and just do it.  

2. Love

Love is one of the top values or priorities—if you have love, you have everything.  Success is loving and being loved—putting your heart into everything that you do.  This is probably the most important right here.

3. Respect

Respect for others—there is a sense of respect that you are expected to have and you express and when you don’t, you are called on it.  This is huge when it comes to valuing people.   

4. Loyalty

There is no other loyalty like that of a working class family that has experienced hardship financially, with health, and other matters.  We stick up for each other like our life depends on it and we are fiercely loyal to all those we love.  Don’t mess with them because we will mess with you.  Mafia Worthy—we take care of our own.  

5. Hard Work

In my home growing up, Education was not as important as Hard Work.  My Dad would cringe if we said no to work and also if we were lazy in any way.  This was not easy, but as young adults we all worked our way to the top in our professions or hobbies because we were taught at a young age that hard work can trump anything.  Dad was right.  All 5 kids rose to the top of their game: be it sport, career or hobby.  

6. Family & Fun

Having been exposed to many more families and various types, there is nothing like a family that is down to earth, real, enjoys laughter and connection, joking, and fun.  Family comes first, it is such a strong value and most important, and while we are at it, we must have fun! 

7. No Pretenses

There are NO aires about us.  It is not about where you went to college, what kind of car you drive, what your address is, what the label on your shirt is—we (they) laugh at the shallowness of that.  We want to know about what you learned that day (in life, an interesting or lame fact), we want to know if you were driving in your car and saw a stranded vehicle, would you help that person on the side of the road.  We want to know how you get the stain out of that shirt (stain removal, an age old topic).  We want to know you, not all the stuff that surrounds you.   But if you are full of yourself, we want to get away from you.

8. Kindness

This is not a socio-economic thing, everyone can and should be kind.  In my home it was demanded of us from our parents.  Empathy was a big part of those lessons and this, along with kindness is a universal language and behavior we all need.  I talk a lot about this in my home with my kids.

9. Strength

You learn beyond grit how to be strong.  You are independent in so many ways and you learn to fight for what ever it is you need or want in your life.  You are a fighter, be it scrappy at times, you fight for others, for yourself, your family and also for justice and what is right.  You are brave enough to be in the arena, and strong enough to stand back up.  

10. Responsibility

There is no entitlement mentality in this kind of upbringing.  You know what it is like not to have many things and you tend to take responsibility for your actions and the outcome in situations (at least your role in it).  You are also responsible, you have to grow up quickly so you need to be responsible and the work ethic plays a role in this.  Ain’t no free ride here, you’ve gotta take responsibility, work, and create what it is you desire.  

While I built my own life and my family today does not have these humble beginnings, I teach my language. I share these lessons and I never forget where I came from.  My kids are far more privileged than I ever was and while I want them to have that, I also make sure they have the privilege of values that are so incredibly important.  Simple & humble beginnings are what shaped me and so many others, we must always value this and live these lessons out each day.   This is not just my story, it is so many others.  If not their generation than the one before them. 

The best lessons are not in the classroom, the best lessons are taught through life. 


Pam Guyer
Love the Skin You're In

Beauty is both an inside and outside job.  Let's talk about the importance of daily skin care first.

Taking care of your face and having a daily skin care ritual truly helps your skin look better and it makes you feel better.

The most important steps if you want to just keep things simple is:

  1. Cleanse
  2. Tone or Treat (serum)
  3. Moisturize

Clearing away dirt, makeup, and air particles sets the face to be rejuvenated and hydrated.  This daily routine should be morning & night and while it is great for your skin, it is great for your experience with yourself and an act of self-care and self-love which is far more important than just having your skin look good.  

It does not stop at the surface, in fact, it goes much deeper than that.

Loving the skin you are in is loving yourself, being patient with yourself, and accepting yourself. Here are some TIPPs on how to love the skin you are in, beyond the skin care:
—be compassionate
—be yourself
—be your whole self
—be bold
—be kind
—be grateful
—be humble
—be generous
—be healthy
—be active
—be curious
—be a student
—be a leader
—be strong
—be silent
—be mindful
—be intentional
—be firm
—be flexible
—be loving
—be caring
—be  brave
—be courageous

Be so good to yourself. don’t beat yourself up. don’t beat others up. Judge less and inspire more.   

You have skin in the game, it is called Life and you only get one of them.  Love the skin you are in, while you take care of it on the outside, always do the important work on the inside!  


Pam Guyer
They Will Gather

Build it and they will gather.

This is true for making a fire at home.  Anytime we make a fire and the kids are home, they will make their way to the room and hang out with us.  
It is a great gathering spot, conversation starter, and opportunity to take time to connect, share, laugh, and be together.

This applies to so many things, be it home, work, or communities.  

Are you looking to deepen your relationships and/or family time?   
Build a fire at home and if you do not have a fire place, how about a fondue set or something you can gather around.  It is not about the fire or fondue, it is about the time together and connecting, especially as we are all so attached to our digital devices, it breaks us free from that.

Are you looking to influence others in the work you do?
Just do it and share it.   Stay consistent.  Keep doing and sharing and before you know it, you will influence others, even if you are not aware of it.  Do good, do the next right thing, stay in activity or momentum, be willing to be vulnerable, get back up when you fall down.  Your example and consistency will influence others in a positive way.

Are you looking to gather others around a cause or important mission?
Share your passion.  Educate, empower, edify, and stay focused on why you are doing passionate and then focus on others.

In all of this, gathering, connecting, sharing—make sure you are present, make sure you are mindful, make sure you are intentional, make sure you are interested in others, listening, open, honest, caring, and positive.

Let this inspire you to fire it up with work and keep the fire burning at home.  
Create the places and spaces that inspire you, that support family life (and/or your life) and truly be present.  Enjoy the moment you are in and laugh at the moments that just might not go as planned or be as pleasant.  


Pam Guyer
What a Girl Needs

A girl needs to be two things, classy & fabulous.  Coco Channel

Might I add, classy, fabulous & fun?!

It is she who creates her own fun, who finds the joy in the chaos, and who is wise enough to know it is not all fun.  It is about creating the moments of fun and the moments of joy, peace, beauty, and self-care.  

Taking time for self-care and a daily regimen is important to feeling fabulous.  
It does not have to be a day at the spa.  It can be a 10 to 15 minute pampering time at home.  Those often are the best ways to relax, exhale, be mindful, and feel fabulous.  

Taking time to take care of you is important to how you look and feel.  It is also a time to let go of all the demands in your life and to create a space of simplicity, a space of care, a space of love, a space of renewal, and a space to call your own.  

It may look luxurious on the outside, but it is very simply loving on the inside.  XO

Pam Guyer
Rock Your Middle Age Jeans (Genes)!

Rock Your Middle Age Jeans (Genes)!
And all of a sudden you are middle age.  How did you get here?  Why were your 30’s such a blur? Middle age is not what it was years ago.  It is a becoming of more freedom, wisdom, courage, and spirit.   My decade of the middle ages has been transformational and more about how the world fits me, rather than how I fit in to the world.   

Admittedly, I go down swinging.  

I want to look and feel beautiful.  I want to rock my skinny jeans.  I want to always have a pep in my step.  I want to be stylish yet in yoga pants and pajamas too. So, I make these things happen (when possible) and I am forgiving of myself if I am not feeling it.  

I have a rule for myself and it is “no mom jeans allowed.”  I don’t want to settle.  I don’t want to not care about how I look and feel.  It is important to me (not most important) but truly important to my HIPP life.   

Here are some TIPPS to keep you looking & feeling good:
-exercise every day (even if it is walking)
-do yoga (such a great way to tap into your inner HIPP)
-eat well (no, not perfect but well)
-sleep (such a challenge for all of us)
-do a wardrobe edit (say bye to the things you have not worn in a year)
-do a daily skin care regimen (it is a game changer)
-get a blow out at the dry bar (this just feels good)
-replace your cosmetic bag with non toxic products (this is so important)
-make sure you love your jeans (a HIPP girl always needs a good pair of jeans)
-get a few on trend items, they blend well with the classic pieces
-lip gloss, mascara & a smile (such simple steps each day)
-take an extra 5 to 10 minutes getting ready, this always helps me feel it

Pam Guyer