From The Valley to the Mountaintop

We are just back from an amazing trip to the Swiss Alps, the Views and Scenery was epic, as was our experience hiking with snow covered mountains around us, it was simply majestic and breathtaking all in one.

Life moments be it every day moments or extraordinary adventures often mirror life in some way, and in Living HIPP and writing and sharing, I often use my life as my classroom, as it teaches us so much when we are tuned in. To that end, my experience on the Mountain relates back to my and our experiences in life. I am reminded that in life we climb in different seasons, we need to be challenged along the way and through that adversity or effort, we get to the top and the view is worth the climb, and it is part of what we have to do to get to the top. I am also reminded that it is not about getting to the top, while that may be the goal or vision, it is in the climb and in the journey that we experience the moments, the meaningful ones, the challenging ones, the connections and conversations and the thrill of the endeavor (all the feels). While I would love to say once we get to the top, we stay on top, we dominate and it is just clear skies, sunshine and eas…. We know that is not true, because life shows up again, with directions for a different climb, or perhaps to navigate downhill to another area, and to be ready to change directions, because change is always part of the journey.

Some seasons or moments we are in the Valley, and that just does not feel good, and sometimes it is out of our control that we are there, or it is something we could have avoided, there is no blame or shame in any of this, there is only learning if we are doing this thing called life in a loving and compassionate way. The Valley is not all bad, the Valley teaches us and prepares us in a way that we don’t always understand, it also shows us and gives us reason to climb, to get back up that mountain and be on the path forward—or perhaps we discover there is another mountain to climb, the more present we are, the better we navigate the path forward. While difficult, Valley’s teach us about love, about ourselves, our values, our character and our vulnerability and courage—who you are in the Valley says more about you than who you are at the top of the mountain. While the Valley is important to the Climb, it is a place we do not want to reside too long, learning to pull ourselves out of it and ask for help or build support is important. Pride gets in our way, fear of what others think stops us from breakout and through, self awareness and surrender or action is what will change the situation we are in and/or begin the healing process. No one on earth is immune from the Valley, unfortunately, some people become jaded in it, and rather than take responsibility, they will take any opportunity to blame others—which most often is a deflection of what they need to look at in themselves—this is an opportunity of growth for all of us, and it is in our choices we are either held down or lifted up, our spirit will lead the way. This is basic human conditioning, and in the interest of creating more positive energy, positive support, kindness and collaboration, we need to not settle for this and while we can’t change those stuck in the Valley, what we can do is change ourselves and find our way out. Believing in more and believing in what is possible can help with this, also patience, grace and compassion, those are the best gifts to give yourself and those around you—the view and experience will be different, it will be far more spiritual and less stressful with this spirit.

The journey is truly the majority of where we spend our time, the paths will bend and curve and we need to learn how to bend and curve with them (we won’t have all the answers and we don’t have to). We need to flow with the river but also climb the terrain and face the elements, it is in this work that we grow, that we get strong, that we learn more, and we also lead, even thou it doesn’t feel like leadership. It does not matter who follows, it matters that you lead, and stay true to your vision and values, it will test others, some will rise and others will choose another path, and that is all part of the climb, it is not to please others, it is to lead the way, to do so with intention and also authenticity, and in that, you teach others how to climb too, we all go at a different pace and that is okay, the spirit is to help others up which means to offer support, but there are times we just need to climb with or without others, depending on the circumstances and what the purpose is.

The view is worth the climb and the top is for everyone, but not everyone will get there. When we can be on this journey and help others, that is what life is all about, not everyone will want help, and in our journey, we can climb with those that share our vision and energy, and are on a mission to create positive change. It’s not always going to feel positive, and that is okay, let that be signals and signs along the way directing you towards what is mean’t for you and what is not mean’t for you. Forward motion, building momentum, consistent activity and you will arrive, however, mindset, attitude, belief and positivity will be what keeps you there longer, and truly feeling connected to this experience beyond the physical aspects, to feel it in your spirit, and have it lift you and others higher. Also, we have to have vision and belief, because without it, we lose visibility and we let challenges or distractions get in our way.

On Our Trip….

Seeing the Matterhorn on our journey was awe inspiring and one of those moments in life that you know you will seal in your mind. We had poor visibility one day, scattered clouds the day before and I kept praying for a clear day, so that we could see the Matterhorn in all her glory, and that is exactly what we got. It was better than I expected and I can’t even begin to share the experience and feeling I had….

It gives you the sense that anything is possible, and also feeling nature and being in nature in a way that is extraordinary is such an incredible uplifting experience, both spiritual and magical. We don’t have to wait until we go to the Swiss Alps or to another part of the world to have these experiences, we can have experiences in nature every day, while they might not be as awe inspiring, the are most definitely inspiring and the more mindful we are seeking simple joys, the abundant we are in these experiences every day. Micro Moments happen throughout the day, be it a beautiful view, a strangers smile, a loved one you are thinking of, or a moment of peace and contentment.

We can walk outside daily, and find so many beautiful sites along the way, so it is not just about the majestic scenery, it is about the beauty that surrounds us every day. The beauty begins within, it is when our spirit is one with nature and goodness and life force. We get distracted, annoyed, stressed and it takes away from this experience, as we grow, we learn to navigate this, it’s okay to do those things, but when we learn to reset and redirect and be present and joyful and grateful, that is where the magic happens. The magic is you, you don’t need the Matterhorn or any Mountain, you just need openness, curiosity, kindness and optimism to see the beautiful view! XO

Pam Guyer